How we became Beekeepers
Generations of Experience
Like most families, prior to the introduction of commercial sugar and electricity, our ancestors kept honeybees for both sweetening foods and for beeswax. After a few generations of being ‘bee-less’, our family found ourselves back in the beekeeping game in 2013. At that time, we were growing and canning much of our own food and became frustrated by the lack green bean and pea pollination. To solve the pollination problem, we took classes from our local bee club and bought two honeybee hives. It didn’t take long before we grew to over 40 colonies and Honey Moon Apiary was born as a multi-generational family adventure. We have tried nearly everything that beekeeping has to offer, from helping to pollenate our local orchards with our honeybees, to raising our own queens. We’ve found that honey production in the best fit for our interests and we have spent the last several years focused on developing our honey production skills.